The Fixies

The Fixies

42 Episodes

NOTE TO PARENTS: This fantasy series features fantastical characters who are "kept secret" from the adults. Please talk with YOUR kids about what types of secrets are appropriate in your family.

Cheerful little men secretly repair equipment for people. At the same time, they explain how the things that surround us work.

The Fixies
  • The Magnet

    Episode 20

    As a result of losing all of his energy, Papus turns into a screw. Simka and Nolik use the special qualities of a magnet to figure out which of the many screws in the apartment is their father.

  • The Lever

    Episode 3

    Tom Thomas is unable to get a barbell out from underneath the sofa. The Fixies teach him how to use his hockey stick as a lever to lift the sofa and retrieve the weight.

  • The Keyboard

    Episode 15

    Tom Thomas finds that several keys on his keyboard aren’t working. Simka and Nolik investigate and discover it’s the result of Tom Thomas’ habit of eating at his computer.

  • The Hair Dryer

    Episode 24

    When a helium balloon floats up to the ceiling out of Tom Thomas' reach, Nolik offers to retrieve it by riding on a stream of air from a hairdryer.

  • The Flashlight

    Episode 21

    Simka and Nolik try to repair a broken flashlight Tom Thomas needs to send messages to Katya, his friend who lives in an apartment building across the street.

  • The Compass

    Episode 23

    While playing pirates, Simka and Nolik challenge Tom Thomas to find a hidden treasure. They give him a map they drew and and teach him how to build a compass.

  • The Combination Lock

    Episode 5

    Tom Thomas locks his new game console inside of his backpack but can't get it out because he forgot the combination. Now only little Nolik is able to get inside the lock to open it.

  • Candy
    Episode 42


    Episode 42

    Simka and Nolik try out Tom Thomas as a candy taste tester, but soon Tom Thomas has a tooth ache from eating so much candy.

  • The Cell Phone

    Episode 32

    Tom Thomas' father loses his cell phone with Masiya and Papus hiding inside of it. Simka and Nolik are able to call their parents and figure out where they are. Now Tom Thomas needs to tell his dad where the phone is without revealing how he got the information.

  • The Balloon

    Episode 9

    Tom Thomas accidently bounces a ball right into a ceiling lamp and breaks it. Papus flies up in a hot air balloon to repair it.

  • The Cartoon

    Episode 31

    Tom Thomas makes a flip book about Nolik banging his head, but Nolik doesn't find it funny at all.

  • The Can

    Episode 40

    Tom Thomas doesn't realize the canned food he is packing for a camping trip is spoiled. Simka teaches him how to know whether food is safe to eat without opening the can.

  • The Electric Kettle

    Episode 7

    To get energy for his workout, Tom Thomas needs to cook something healthy without using the stove. He decides to cook oatmeal for the whole family.

  • The Aquarium

    Episode 16

    After cleaning the aquarium's dirty filter, Simka and Masiya find themselves the target of some very hungry fish. Can Papus and Nolik help them escape?

  • SMS
    Episode 8


    Episode 8

    After Tom Thomas’ friend, Katya, leaves her cell phone at his apartment he wants to read her text messages. Simka and Nolik know it's wrong and try to stop him from reading letters that aren’t his to read.

  • The Alarm Clock

    Episode 2

    Tom Thomas' old alarm clock breaks. Papus and Nolik go to fix it but end up in the trash can together with the old clock.

  • Paper
    Episode 35


    Episode 35

    Tom Thomas has to write an essay for school about how he helps the environment and learns a lesson about wasting paper in the process.

  • The Drain

    Episode 1

    Tom Thomas accidently drops his mom's wedding ring down the drain and thinks it is gone forever until Simka and Nolik help him retrieve the ring from the drain trap with the help of a pack-o-mat.