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Daily Devo

#801 - Jonah Ran AWAY?!?!

8m 51s
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Up Next in Season 1

  • #799 - Name Above All Names

    What a wondeful Wednesday it is! And not just a wonderul Wednesday: it's a WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! MJ is your host as we hear "Name Above All Names" by KingdomCity Kids! Let's worship!

  • #798 - They Worshipped a Golden WHAT?!?

    It's Tuesday which means: NEW FAIL DAY! Julia is back to walk us through the worshipping of a golden calf. Yeah, for real. Plus, a second look at this week's memory verse!

  • #800 - What Would You Do: Mary & Martha

    Today, Julia asks a very important question: WHAT WOULD YOU DO as we learn about the Epic Fail in the story of Mary and Martha! It's a toughie! Plus, how is your memory verse coming along?