Today, Julia asks a very important question: WHAT WOULD YOU DO as we learn about the Epic Fail in the story of Mary and Martha! It's a toughie! Plus, how is your memory verse coming along?
Up Next in Season 1
#797 - Esau Sold His Birthrite for WH...
Welcome back to another FAIL-ER-IFIC Monday here on The Daily Devo Show! Have you been enjoying our new series: EPIC FAILS? We hope so! Today, MJ is back to tell us the story of Esau, Jacob and what must have been one DELICIOUS bowl of soup! Plus, Colleen takes her craft to new heights with a ver...
#795 - Abraham and Sarah Did WHAT?!?
Who is ready for another EPIC FAIL?!? Today, M.J. is here to walk us through the story of Abraham and Sarah. This one is a doozy! Buckle up! Plus, Colleen, how is that stunt going?
#794 - I Stand Believing
It's WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Today, Julia is in the house to get us ready to worship with this week's song: I Stand Believing by The Kingdom Here! Worship time!