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The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
4m 45s
In this video I feed my pet fish for the last time and then let them go at a local creek. Really hoped you enjoyed the aquarium series and hope to bring it back in August!
Up Next in The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
I Got New Pets!
In this video I receive my new fish in the mail! The two alligator gar i got are doing great and are already eating tons of minnows! stay tuned for more vids of trinity and brazos!
Catching Dinosaur Fish Without Hooks!
In this video I use rope lures to catch gar on the river. I ended up catch three species of gar and two big alligator gar around 100 pounds.
They're Back!!
In this video I feed the fish a bag of shad and the turtles come feed for the first time this year! They pretty much hibernate in the winter and now it’s finally warm enough for them!