230lb Monster Alligator Gar!!
The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
7m 43s
In this video I go alligator gar fishing with my good friend and guide Henry. We had high hopes and ended catching the biggest gar any of us have seen. Alligator gar have been my favorite fish since I was little and catching this fish is a dream come true.
Up Next in The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
Winter Time Sewer Fishing
In this video I show you my rig that I use and the fish that I catch in the storm sewer. The fish do not bite near as well in the winter but I still managed to pull up a few nice sized catfish.
Red River New Mexico Trout Fishing
I had an awesome time trout fishing in Colorado and New Mexico the past week. Red river was great with catching a bunch of trout the first morning. I caught the trout on a spinning reel with 4lb fluoro, a 1/64 oz tube head and a 1.5 inch brown crappie tube.
Fly Fishing For Pet Alligator Gar Food!
In this video, I bring my fly rod to a local creek to catch gambusia minnows to feed my pet alligator gar! I caught two with the fly rod and then the rest in a dip net and the gar devoured them.