Space Kids

Space Kids

35 Episodes

Space Kids explores the infinite wonders of our universe and answers the big questions, like is their life on other planets? How is a star born? How do you become and astronaut? And are we really made of star dust? Mixing amazing NASA archive footage with cool animation, Space Kids gives curious kids the ABC's of outer space.

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Space Kids
  • What Is Microgravity?

    Episode 30

    In space, astronauts don’t walk on the floor of their spacecraft, they float! This episode takes you inside a space craft to find out what it’s like to live in micro-gravity.

  • Time Capsule From Earth

    Episode 26

    In the year 1977, NASA sent out two space probes to explore outer space. On the probes they attached a Golden Record containing a special message for aliens should they find it. This episode looks at what the aliens will find.

  • The Moon

    Episode 25

    How far away is the Moon? Why does it appear to change shape? What’s it like to walk on the Moon? Find out fascinating facts about our Moon in this episode of Space Kids.

  • Telescopes

    Episode 35

    Ever since 1608 when a Dutch inventor experimented with using glass lenses to magnify distant objects, scientists have been pushing the limits, building new telescopes to explore the furthest reaches of the universe. This episode reveals the history of the telescope and looks ahead at telescopes ...

  • Space Heroes

    Episode 33

    History is full of great adventurers who have explored the farthest corners of the Earth. This episode profiles some of the most daring explorers to leave planet Earth and explore outer space.

  • Satellites

    Episode 39

    There are thousands of satellites in space orbiting around Earth. They’re used to study Earth, help us communicate, predict the weather, or look out at other planets and the Universe. This episode looks at the satellites that orbit our planet and the people who track them.

  • Reclaiming The Sky

    Episode 28

    Our planet is covered in unnatural light: light pollution from streetlights, buildings and billboards. What would it look like if we turned out the lights? This episodes reveals what’s hidden beyond all the light.

  • Pluto
    Episode 27


    Episode 27

    In 2006, a spacecraft called New Horizons set out on a mission to explore Pluto. It took 9 and a half years to travel from Earth to Pluto but the trip was well worth it. This episode looks at some of the amazing images sent back to Earth and explains what we’re learning about this dwarf planet.

  • Pale Blue Dot

    Episode 31

    This episode looks at our beautiful, fragile Earth from outer space and shares some inspiring words from the people who’ve seen it and study it firsthand.

  • North Star

    Episode 38

    The North Star is like a compass in the sky, always showing the way north. It also helps sailors navigate by revealing their distance from the equator. Learn how in this episode.

  • How Big Is The Universe?

    Episode 34

    How big is the Universe? It’s very, very big. This episode reveals the massive scale of the universe by zooming out from Earth all the way to edge of the observable universe.

  • Eclipses

    Episode 37

    What’s an eclipse? Have you ever seen one? How do they happen? Explore lunar and solar eclipses in this episode.

  • Comets
    Episode 29


    Episode 29

    "What’s a comet and where do they come from? Find out what’s the deal with these icy, dusty rocks orbiting the sun in this high flying episode of Space Kids.
    What’s a comet and where do they come from? Find out what’s the deal with these icy, dusty rocks orbiting the sun in this high flying episo...

  • A Space Commute

    Episode 32

    Imagine piloting a spaceship flying at 25,000 km/h and trying to land on another object moving even faster. In this episode learn how astronauts travel from Earth to get to work on the International Space Station.

  • A Day In The Life Of An Astronaut

    Episode 36

    What’s it like to eat, sleep, live and go to the bathroom in outer space? This episode exposes what life’s like for astronauts on the International Space Station.

  • Earth
    Episode 24


    Episode 24

    "What makes Earth so special? Erath is the only known planet in the entire Universe to have life.
    In this episode of Space Kids, find what makes Earth the ideal place for life to flourish. What makes Earth so special? Erath is the only known planet in the entire Universe to have life.
    In this e...

  • What Is Mission Control?

    Episode 23

    When Astronauts spend time away in space, they’re never alone. Meet Mission Control, the on-the-ground team who support every aspect of a space mission.

  • What Is Gravity?

    Episode 11

    Did you know, if it weren't for gravity you would just float away into space? This episode of Space Kids looks at the glue that holds our Universe together.

  • What Is A Star?

    Episode 2

    Those tiny little stars in the night sky are actually giant burning balls of gas in space. Find out all about those Super-Giants and Yellow Dwarfs in this superstar episode.

  • What Is An Aurora?

    Episode 7

    Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen a mysterious light show, called Aurora? In this episode, scientists debunk the mythic battle in the heavens between fire-breathing dragons.

  • What Is A Nebula?

    Episode 14

    Welcome to the star nursery, where stars are born... a Nebula! This episode explores nebulae, those giant clouds of dust and gas in space.

  • What Is A Light Year?

    Episode 21

    Space is so enormous that the units we use to measure distances on Earth—like kilometres—are just too small. This episode shows just how big the universe is and explains how astronomers use the speed of light to measure vast distances in space.

  • What Is A Black Hole?

    Episode 13

    Deep in the centre of our Galaxy, something mysterious and invisible is lurking. Something so powerful that it swallows entire stars! This episode explores Black Holes.

  • Venus

    Episode 5

    Did you know that the planet Earth has a twin? In this episode find out why Venus is called Earth’s louder, more temperamental twin.