Guide Dog
Mickey's Farm (115 Videos)
Mickey does his best to play with a visitor’s German Shepherd but doesn’t have any luck when the dog won’t leave his owner’s side. Megan and Cecil the Seeing-Eye Dog show Mickey all the important things seeing-eye dogs do for their owners.
Up Next in Mickey's Farm (115 Videos)
While looking for the perfect hiking trail Mickey stumbles across a train track, which he mistakes for a giant ladder that fell from the sky. And when a train comes along Mickey thinks it's a giant sky monster! Mickey later meets Chester the Choo-Choo Train who explains the importance of trains. ...
When Mickey's camping snacks keep disappearing, he launches an investigation and concludes there is a masked thief on the farm. Megan and Ruffus the Raccoon teach Mickey that Raccoons like to eat what others leave behind, which is what Ruffus thought Mickey was doing with the snacks.