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Watch this video and more on Yippee - Faith filled shows!

Daily Devo

#787 - Were Wise Men REALLY at the Birth of Christ?

8m 3s
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Up Next in Season 1

  • #786 - Does The BIBLE REALLY Say Char...

    We close out this week as your friend and mine CAM helps us get educated on the history of the phrase "Charity Starts At Home." Is it in the Bible...OR NOT?!?! Let's learn together!

  • #785 - Do People REALLY Become Angels...

    We've been tackling some BIG questions on this show and today is a doozy! Do people REALLY become angels when we die?!? Brittani helps us solve this one! Plus, another shot at this week's memory verse!

  • #784 - My Great Confidence

    What day is today? WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Today, Cam is your host while we all raise our voices and sing My Great Confidence by KingdomCity Kids! Plus - another look at Colleen's Winter Cocoa Relay