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Hey Meisha | The Miracle Maker

Top Shows for Ages 6+ • 26m
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Up Next in Top Shows for Ages 6+

  • Cleanliness is Next to Godliness / Th...

    Susie can be very messy and lazy. She learns there are consequences for disobedience and rewards for obedience.

    Freddy is a litterbug. He prays to Jesus, asking Jesus to help him be a good example for others and learns a valuable lesson in stewardship.

  • Sweet Freedom

    Macky and the gang plan to rescue some slaves forced to work in the Roman granaries. Through their experiences and retelling of their people’s stories - Moses and the Egyptian Slavemaster and Saul on the road to Damascus – we learn the importance of taking a stand and choosing the right path.

  • Lads TV | Episode 10 | Rock the Milk Bar

    Mark and Steve both organize surprise parties for Murray while Tim tries to imitate Steve.