In this fun-filled, animated adventure, the excitable Revver and feisty Rikki are tired of being kids because “being a kid is nothing important.” So, Doc Dickory and Dewey bring the children of the Bible to life through story and song.
Up Next in The Vault
Always Be Honest
Paul has a problem. Every time she turns on the water at the sink in her lab it sprays her in the face. She asks around to find someone to fix the plumbing. Billy claims he can do it. But his solution is silly and doesn't work. It's obvious he knows nothing about plumbing but lied about it becaus...
The Christmas Toy
Rugby the Tiger, who was young Jamie’s favorite Christmas toy last year, thinks he should go under the tree again this year.
Vol2-Heroes of the Bible - Stand up, ...
Here's a VeggieTales video with 75 more minutes of the very BEST VeggieTales Bible stories! Volume Two, Stand Up, Stand Tall, Stand Strong! features these classic Veggie stories:
The Story of Flibber-O-Loo - Big Idea's critically acclaimed writing and animation bring the parable of the Good Samar...