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Turtles Love Pizza!
The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
5m 4s
In this video I order a special pizza to feed to the turtles! They loved it and ate three whole slices.
Up Next in The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
Turtle ASMR
In this video I combine ASMR with the regular turtle feeding videos that I make. They made loud crunching noises as they ate their favorite foods.
My Pet Alligator Gar Devours Minnows!
In this video, I feed my pet alligator 20 minnows that I netted at the local creek. Brazos is getting big and will be put in my friend’s pond soon.
The Turtles Are Everywhere!
In this video, I am down at the pond with a bag of shad feeding my pet bass, catfish, and turtles. The turtles love crawling up the turtle ramp to eat the shad from my hand.