Fattening the Fish up For Winter!
The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
4m 20s
In this video I show the shad that I just caught and nah them up and then go to the pond and feed my fish! The temps have been really cold for Texas the past few days and they hadn’t eaten for almost a week. They are really well and most of them looked really fat!
Up Next in The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
Catfish Caught on Small Pole
I had a tiny batman pole and wanted to try to catch a big catfish on it. I was using 6lb mono and a hot dog for bait when I hooked up with a nice fish. It got tangled in the lily pads and I had to go in and get him out. He was about 7-8lbs and took a while to land on the batman pole.
Where Did the Turles Go?
In this video I go down to the pond to feed the fish and I find the turtles aren’t there. When the water gets below a certain temperature the turtles bury themselves in the mud and hardly move. They can stay like this for months.
Bullfrogs Love Mice!!
In this video I go to a local pond with a ton of big lily pads and fish for bullfrogs with a mouse lure! The frogs were so aggressive and I even had one eat the mouse over 10 times. The slow mo video turned out awesome and the frogs were massive!