Bass Are Insanely Fast!
The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
3m 7s
In this video, I feed my pet bass some shad and they devour them however they can. Some are really good at tracking the bait while it’s in the air and some jump clear out of the water to eat them.
Up Next in The Fish Whisperer (170+ Videos)
Huge Gar caught in a Kayak
In this video I head to the trinity river with Henry Martin of catching dinosaurs guide service to try for a trophy alligator using kayaks. We caught two pretty quickly with one being a 6 foot 9 inch gar that weighed around 161 pounds! I hope y’all enjoyed this video!!
Pet Alligator Gar Eating Live Minnows!!
In this video, I net gambusia minnows at a small local creek and then feed them to my pet alligator gar. Both Trinity and Brazos ate a few minnows and are really growing fast.
Garfield Eats Huge Shad!
In this video Garfield the friendly catfish eats huge shad from my hand! The bass and turtles were pretty hungry too and ate a bunch of shad.