Super Wings
91 Episodes
Super Wings follows the adventures of an adorable jet plane named Jett who travels around the world delivering packages to children. On every delivery, Jett encounters new problems that he must solve with the help of his friends the "Super Wings": Dizzy, Jerome and Donnie. Together, the team explores different countries and learns the diversity of new cultures. 45 Super Wings episodes available!
Aloha Adventure
Jett travels to Hawaii to bring Keilani a hula skirt that lights up. On the way to the "Best Hula Dancer" contest it looks like an overflowing volcano will block the road. Donnie uses his jackhammer to get the lava flowing safely into the ocean.
Arctic Run
Anders from Greenland wants a sled for a dog sled race. Along the way his team rides onto an iceberg that separates from the land and heads out to sea. Donnie uses a giant propeller to bring the iceberg back and they win the race.
Aussie Animals
Jett brings a microphone to Ruby, a girl in Australia who hosts her own nature program. She interviews animals until a kangaroo snatches her microphone. Bello comes and plays leapfrog with the kangaroo and Ruby gets it all on tape.
A Winning Recipe
Martine in Paris, France needs a cake-decorating machine. Her father the baker asks her to ice a giant cake for a party at the Eiffel Tower. When the cake is ready the traffic is terrible. Dizzy flies the cake through the sky over the city.
Balancing Act
Yuri from Russia is part of a family circus. He needs a unicycle for his act on the high wire. The rest of the family is on their way when the circus train breaks down. Jerome performs an amazing act for the crowd while Jett goes to help them.
Ballet Day
Nadya and her Super Wings friends are able to dance ballet, but Nadya's father needs help getting back home. Can Nadya and her Super Wings friends save the day?
Barcelona Birdhouse
Martha builds a birdhouse for a bird to live in, but the birdhouse is too small for other birds, so she and Jett have to build a giant birdhouse, but it takes too long. What will Martha and Jett do?
Blockosaurus Park
Iulia's grandfather makes the mechanical robot dinosaurs come to live, but all except Rex go hay-wired, because of the rain. How will Jett, Noah, and Iulia save the day?
Boonying's Bath
Jerome thinks Jett's job is easy so he takes his place. He delivers a bathtub to Nayan in Thailand. Boonying the elephant takes a bath but is startled by a spray of water and runs off. Jett arrives to help bring Boonying back.
Cat in the Box
Satomi's cat Tora gets taken to the recycling center by mistake. How will Jett, Satomi and her mother get Tora back?
Cheese Chase
Jett brings cowbells to Sven in Switzerland. Jett learns all about making cheese. But on the way to market the giant wheels of cheese fall off the cart and roll away. Dizzy comes with rescue gear to gather them up.
Christmas Down Under
It's Christmas in Australia, Jett and Nicole decorate for Christmas, but Santa Claus and his reindeer get tired. Will Jett and Nicole deliver more presents?
Dalmatian Doggercise
Ivan lets Luna doggercise, but Luna gets away, after Jerome accidentally throws a ball too far away. How will Jett, Jerome, and Ivan get Luna back?
Double Trouble
There's a badminton tournament, but Dimas and Dian have got into a big fight. How will Jett and Dimas and Dian's mother find a way to let Dimas and Dian play together?
Drills And Thrills
Rina wants to visit Raul, but Raul on the other side of the earth. What will Jett and Rina do?
Dubai Fly By
Saeed and Jett visit Saeed's mother, who's a construction worker, but Hamad knocks off a piece of a building. Can Jett and his friends stop the accident?
Family Time
Jett brings a magnetic schedule board to Hye Mi in Korea. She has lots of activities every day, from ballet to Taekwondo to music lessons. In a last-minute rush, Dizzy picks up the busy family members and flies them to dinner together.
Farmer Jett
Jett brings glass slippers to Colette who lives on a farm in the south of France. Jett says he will take care of the animals while she goes to a Fairy Tale Costume Ball. The animals cause lots of trouble and mess up the farm. Bello comes and gets the animals under control as Jett fixes up the far...
Fast Track
Jett carries tires to Alex and his sister Adriana in Monaco. They've built a hot dog car for Alex to ride in a soapbox derby. When ducks cause him to run off the course and into town, Paul comes and leads him back with a police escort.
Feathered Friends
Jett delivers a camera to Sam in Papua New Guinea. He wants to take pictures of Birds of Paradise for his little sister, Angie. The birds fly away from Jett until Grand Albert tells him to dress up like a bird and make friends.
Fiesta! Fiesta!
Tomas and Manuel are twins in Mexico who are having rival birthday fiestas. Jett brings a pony piñata and an astronaut piñata. Dizzy comes to help combine the two parties so that everyone can enjoy celebrating together.