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Watch this video and more on Yippee - Faith filled shows!

Kingdomcity Kids

Episode 6: The Victory Army Destroys the Enemy of Unbelief


Up Next in Season 1

  • Episode 7: The Victory Army Beats the...

    In this episode, the Victory Army learns to recognise and reject the enemy’s effect on their minds using the
    Helmet of Salvation. We are reminded of the need to protect our thoughts and minds daily.

  • Episode 8: The Victory Army Defeats t...

    In this episode, the Victory Army is given the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), as a weapon against
    tormentors and bullies. We learn of our reliance on God’s Word, which enables us to face our foes with
    confidence and courage.

  • Episode 9: The Victory Army Sends the...

    In this episode, the Victory Army faces intimidation but completely triumphs over the enemy by putting on the full armour and using the name of Jesus. We are reminded to put on the full armour of God daily because we are born for victory!