Watch as the the story of the Great Flood from Genesis Chapter 8 and Genesis Chapter 9 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. In the fifth chapter of iBIBLE, the rain stops on the earth, and Noah and his family finally leave the ark. God makes promises to Noah and his family and gives the rainbow as a sign of His promise to never flood the earth again. Study the Bible with your kids and enjoy the narrative presentation of God’s Word in iBIBLE.
Up Next in Season 1
iBIBLE | Chapter 4: The Great Flood P...
Watch as the story of the Great Flood from Genesis Chapter 5, Genesis Chapter 6, and Genesis Chapter 7 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. The fourth chapter of iBIBLE introduces Noah. God told Noah to build an ark and gather all the animals two-by-two. It rain...
iBIBLE | Chapter 3: Cain and Abel
Watch as the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis Chapter 4 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. The third chapter of iBIBLE shows the story of Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve’s sons, and the story of the first murder. Study the Bible with your kids and enjoy the nar...
iBIBLE | Creation Pt. 1
The story of creation from Genesis chapter 1 comes to life. The first episode of iBIBLE features days 1–6 of creation, beginning with the creation of the heavens and the earth, followed by the creation of animals, birds, and fish.