iBIBLE- Animated Bible Stories

iBIBLE- Animated Bible Stories

22 Episodes

iBIBLE is the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. A production of RevelationMedia, iBIBLE brings God’s Word to life in a format that people all over the world can engage with. Through dramatic audio and vibrant animation, people of all ages, all backgrounds, and with all abilities can learn the Biblical narrative—the one cohesive story of Scripture.

iBIBLE- Animated Bible Stories
  • iBIBLE | Chapter 5: The Great Flood Part 2

    Episode 6

    Watch as the the story of the Great Flood from Genesis Chapter 8 and Genesis Chapter 9 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. In the fifth chapter of iBIBLE, the rain stops on the earth, and Noah and his family finally leave the ark. God makes promises to Noah and...

  • iBIBLE | Chapter 4: The Great Flood Part 1

    Episode 5

    Watch as the story of the Great Flood from Genesis Chapter 5, Genesis Chapter 6, and Genesis Chapter 7 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. The fourth chapter of iBIBLE introduces Noah. God told Noah to build an ark and gather all the animals two-by-two. It rain...

  • iBIBLE | Chapter 3: Cain and Abel

    Episode 4

    Watch as the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis Chapter 4 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. The third chapter of iBIBLE shows the story of Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve’s sons, and the story of the first murder. Study the Bible with your kids and enjoy the nar...

  • iBIBLE | Creation Pt. 1

    Episode 1

    The story of creation from Genesis chapter 1 comes to life. The first episode of iBIBLE features days 1–6 of creation, beginning with the creation of the heavens and the earth, followed by the creation of animals, birds, and fish.

  • iBIBLE | Creation Pt. 2

    Episode 2

    Genesis chapter 2 comes to life. The second episode of iBIBLE features the last two days of creation, which include the creation of the first humans, Adam and Eve, and God’s sabbath rest on the seventh day.

  • iBIBLE | The Fall

    Episode 3

    The story of the fall of humankind from Genesis chapter 3 comes to life. The third episode of iBIBLE features Adam and Eve’s temptation in the garden of Eden by the serpent, and their fall into sin.

  • iBIBLE | The Tower of Babel

    Episode 7

    The story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis chapters 10 and 11 comes to life. The seventh episode of iBIBLE features the building of the city and tower in the land of Shinar by Nimrod and others. As they build the tower, God comes down and confuses their languages, then disperses them over the f...

  • iBIBLE | Everlasting Covenant

    Episode 10

    The story of God’s everlasting covenant with Abram (Abraham) from Genesis chapter 15. The tenth episode of iBIBLE features God making a covenant with Abram. God promises Abram that his offspring will be as numerous as the stars, and Abram believes God, and it is counted to him as righteousness. T...

  • iBIBLE | The Call of Abram

    Episode 8

    The story of the call of Abram from Genesis chapter 11 and Genesis chapter 12 comes to life. God’s call to Abram (Abraham) to come out from the land of Ur. Abram travels to Haran with his family. After the death of his father, Terah, he travels to Canaan. When a severe famine hits, Abram and his ...

  • iBIBLE | Abram and the Kings' War

    Episode 9

    The story of the patriarch and father of Israel, Abram (Abraham), from Genesis chapters 13 and 14 comes to life. The ninth episode of iBIBLE features Lot and Abram separating into different lands, God’s promise to Abram about the land of Canaan, the war between kings, Abram’s rescue of Lot, and A...

  • iBIBLE | The Birth of Ishmael

    Episode 11

    The story of the birth of Ishmael from Genesis chapter 16. The 11th episode of iBIBLE features the story of Sarai (Sarah) and Hagar, and the birth of Ishmael. Sarai gives her servant Hagar to Abram (Abraham), so that she can have children through her. Abram listens to Sarai. Sarai deals harshly w...

  • iBIBLE | Jacob & Esau Pt. 1

    Episode 12

    The story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis chapters 25 and 26. The 20th episode of iBIBLE features Rebekah and Isaac’s twins, Jacob and Esau. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew, and Isaac and Rebekah lie to King Abimelech.

  • iBIBLE | Jacob & Esau Pt. 2

    Episode 13

    The story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis chapters 26, 27, and 28 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. Featured in the 21st episode of iBIBLE is the story of Jacob deceiving Isaac to receive Esau’s blessing. Isaac is old, and he calls for Esau to prepare wild gam...

  • iBIBLE | Jacob's Ladder

    Episode 14

    The story of Jacob’s ladder from Genesis chapters 28 and 29. The story of Jacob’s journey to Haran. Jacob stops to rest. He falls asleep and begins to dream. He sees a ladder set on the earth, reaching to Heaven. At the very top, the LORD appears, and God promises to give the land on which Jacob ...

  • iBIBLE | Jacob Leaves Haran

    Episode 16

    The story of Jacob and Laban from Genesis chapters 30 and 31. The story of Jacob fleeing Haran. Jacob asks Laban to give him the spotted and speckled livestock from his flocks as payment. His flocks continue to increase, and Laban’s sons suspect that he is stealing from their father, so Jacob gat...

  • iBIBLE | Treaty With Laban

    Episode 17

    The story of Jacob’s treaty with Laban from Genesis chapter 31. TThe story of Laban’s pursuit of Jacob. After following him for seven days, Laban overtakes Jacob. God had warned Laban in a dream not to say anything to Jacob, good or bad. Together, Jacob and Laban agree before the LORD to do each ...

  • iBIBLE | Jacob to Israel

    Episode 18

    The story of Jacob’s name being changed to Israel from Genesis chapters 32 and 33. Jacob, who sees the angels of God, prepares for a reunion with his brother Esau, and wrestles with a Man Who blessed him and gave him a new name: Israel. Jacob prays to the Lord and is reunited with his brother Esau.

  • iBIBLE | The Birth of Benjamin

    Episode 20

    The story of the birth of Benjamin from Genesis chapter 35 and Genesis chapter 36. The stories of God appearing to Jacob in Canaan and Rachel’s hard labor. Rachel gives birth to another son, then dies. Israel names the son Benjamin.

  • iBIBLE | Rachel & Leah

    Episode 15

    The story of Rachel, Leah, Jacob, and their families from Genesis chapter 29 and 30. The story of Jacob and his love for Rachel. Jacob works for seven years for Rachel, but Laban deceives Jacob and brings Leah to him instead. Jacob agrees to work for Laban for seven more years for Rachel, then ta...

  • iBIBLE | Joseph's Dreams

    Episode 21

    The story of Joseph Genesis chapter 37. The story of Joseph’s dreams and his family members’ reactions to them. Joseph dreams that he and his brothers are bundles of wheat, and his brothers bow down to him. Then he dreams that the sun, moon, and eleven stars bow before him. His brothers are jealo...

  • iBIBLE | Pray Like Jabez

    Episode 23

    This animated presentation of God’s Word shows the many prayers recorded in the Bible, from Abraham’s servant asking for a sign when choosing a wife for Isaac to the early church praying for Peter while he was in prison. The episode then focuses on the special prayer of a man named Jabez, who cal...

  • iBIBLE | The Real Story of Jesus

    Episode 22

    See the story of God’s free gift of salvation through His only Son Jesus in The Real Story of Jesus, an iBIBLE special episode. A production of RevelationMedia, The Real Story of Jesus presents the true narrative of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, from Genesis to Revelation. This visual an...