The Parable of the Sower - Jesus explains that faith, like seeds, needs the right conditions to flourish. The Parable of the Mustard Seed - When Jesus is asked to describe the Kingdom of Heaven, His answer is surprising. What do mustard seeds have to do with God’s Kingdom? The Parable of the Good Samaritan - A traveler is robbed and left hurt on the road. No one will stop to help him, until rescue comes from an unexpected hero. The Parable of the Prodigal Son - When a father’s second son leaves home and squanders all his money, he doesn’t know where to turn. Is going back home even possible? Jesus Walks on Water - While out sailing, the disciples see something very surprising: Jesus walking towards them on the water! Seeing is one thing, but can the disciples believe their own eyes?
Up Next in Season 1
The Ten Outcasts
The Ten Outcasts - It’s hard for people with leprosy in the ancient Middle East. People are so afraid of catching it, they won’t even come near. For ten such outcasts, Jesus may be their only hope. A Man Through the Roof - Some travelers want to bring their friend to Jesus for healing, but the ho...
Jesus and the Children
Jesus and the Children - Many people want to spend time with Jesus, but learning from Him is for grownups only. Right? The Widow's Offering - While people are donating to charity at the Temple, Jesus points out that a widow’s donation was the most valuable. But how can that be if she only donated...
The Last Supper
The Last Supper - Jesus and the disciples get together for supper, just as they have many times before. But tonight is different, because Jesus has something surprising on the menu. Jesus and the Cross - From betrayal to arrest to death-sentence, Jesus’ final days are depicted here with beautiful...