Baby Moses - When Pharaoh outlaws all Hebrew baby boys, Baby Moses’ family comes up with a desperate plan to save him. Crossing the Red Sea - Moses is called by God to free his people from slavery in Egypt and lead them to the Promised Land. But Pharaoh has no intention of releasing the Hebrews. The Ten Commandments - Having led his people out of slavery in Egypt, Moses has to leave them alone to go speak with God. What could possibly happen while he’s away? Brave Deborah - The Canaanites are invading, and it’s up to Deborah to save God’s people. But can she get the Israelite army to fight such a terrifying enemy? Naomi and Ruth - After a family tragedy, Naomi decides it’s time for her and her former daughters-in-law to go their separate ways. But Ruth has other ideas…
Up Next in Season 1
God Calls Samuel
God Calls Samuel - Join Reuben the Mouse as he tries to help Samuel understand that God is speaking to him. Samuel Anoints David - God’s prophet, Samuel, is looking for the next king. It should be one of the sons of Jesse, but which one? David and Goliath - Armed with only a sling and his faith i...
The Angel Speaks to Mary
The Angel Speaks to Mary - An angel’s visit to Mary is quite alarming. But even more alarming is the message the angel brings. Is Mary ready for such big news? Mary and Elizabeth - Life isn’t easy for Mary the expectant mother. But her visit with her relative, Elizabeth, helps lighten her spirit....
John the Baptist
John the Baptist - John lives in the wilderness and baptizes people in the name of God. But when the Son of God comes to John to be baptized, he’s not quite sure what to do. Jesus Calls the Disciples - As Jesus begins His ministry, He calls people to come follow Him. But who will be ready, willin...