Earth To Luna

Earth To Luna

118 Episodes

This preschool series is all about Luna, a six-year-old girl who is passionately into science and will do everything she can to understand the world around her.

Earth To Luna
  • Roly Poly Fun

    Episode 48

    Helping Daddy rake the leaves and clean up his garden, the trio spots a roly-poly! When they go to pick it up and get a better look, the funniest thing happens... it rolls up into a little ball. Why do roly-polies do that?

  • Pretty Bird

    Episode 49

    Luna and Jupiter are having some fun with some tongue-twisters, when suddenly some of the tongue-twisters come echoing back to them through the yard. They soon discover it’s not an echo, but their neighbor’s parrot!

  • Recycling

    Episode 50

    After having an afternoon snack, Jupiter goes to throw his yogurt container in the trash but Luna stops him. Plastic has to be recycled! But how exactly is plastic recycled? Is it just washed and reused?

  • City Lights

    Episode 51

    In this episode, Luna learns all about light pollution, the importance of sleep, how animals rest up, dogs and their sense of smell, and why pigs love mud!

  • Dream On

    Episode 52

    Luna learns all about why we sneeze, what burrs are and how they help plants, which part of the earth we live on, the possibility of life on Mars, and how cheese is made.

  • Nighty Night Horses

    Episode 53

    Luna learns all about why we cry, the clouds and if they can be walked on, the human and animal growth process, airplanes, and why roosters crow.

  • A Dog's World

    Episode 54

    Luna learns all about why how radios work, fleas, magnets, why it's important to wash your hands, and space rockets.

  • Wallowing in the Mud

    Episode 55

    Luna learns all about the Milky Way, fruit trees and how they reproduce, levers and pulleys, fossils, ducks, and the traits we inherit.

  • Atchoo!!

    Episode 56

    Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are in the garden when Luna suddenly has a great big sneeze. But why did Luna sneeze? And what is a sneeze anyways?

  • Stuck on You

    Episode 57

    The trio is surprised to find themselves in funny little prickly things after a hike on the ranch. They wonder if these little prickly things are to defend plants, but to get the answers they're looking for they make believe they are burrs themselves.

  • In or Out?

    Episode 58

    Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are confused about whether we live in or on the planet Earth. After a trip to Galileo’s observatory and lab, they only find themselves with more questions.

  • Mars Mission

    Episode 59

    The trio is having fun in the pool “playing” outer space. Luna and Jupiter get to wondering, is it possible to live on Mars and do their best to investigate whether Mars has water.

  • So Cheesy

    Episode 60

    In the midst of taking care of things on the Ranch, Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde discover that it’s possible to make cheese. But something’s not quite right with their recipe, so they transform into bacteria and dive into a cheese-erific make believe.

  • Tears Tears Tears

    Episode 61

    Luna is intrigued when an onion brings tears to Grandpa’s eyes. Why would an onion make him cry, what’s happening here? After a tear filled investigation, the trio make believe they are tears to get to the bottom of things.

  • Walking on a Cloud

    Episode 62

    Grandma is taking the trio for a little flight in her airplane. As they soar through the clouds, Luna finds herself curious – can you walk on the clouds? They experiment with their very own clouds made out of soap suds, but still need more answers.

  • Grows as it Goes!

    Episode 63

    Jupiter and Luna are surprised when their good friend George has come to visit. He’s grown so much since the last time they’d seen him. How can he have grown so much and they only grew just a little? And why does it take so long to grow anyways?

  • A Ride in the Sky

    Episode 64

    Watching Grandma flying her plane gets Luna wondering... how do airplanes fly? After building their own little plane, they conclude that simply having wings just isn’t enough. It’s time for another terrific make-believe to get the answers to this puzzle.

  • Break of Dawn

    Episode 65

    As Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are taking care of the chickens they are surprised to find the rooster crowing. Why would he be crowing so late in the morning? Don’t roosters crow at sunrise? What’s happening here? She’s just gotta know!

  • Tuned In

    Episode 66

    Fascinated by Grandpa’s old radio collection, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde try to discover what makes radios work. They head to Radioland and there they meet the friendly radio, Hertz, who introduces them to his world and transmission waves.

  • Flee Flea!

    Episode 67

    A flea jumps from Captain onto Jupiter and it gets everyone wondering... why does the flea jump? After an experiment with home-made spring fleas, the trio leap into another amazing make believe where they transform into three adorable little fleas.

  • Magnetized

    Episode 68

    Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are in Grandpa’s shop building a little metal car. While playing, they accidentally get a magnet stuck to the car. Why do magnets stick to somethings and not others? They decide to investigate just how magnets work.

  • One Hand Washes the Other

    Episode 69

    After riding horses at the ranch, Luna heads to the stable to wash up. Jupiter doesn’t quite understand why he needs to wash his hands when they don’t even look dirty. Luna knows you need water and soap to wash off germs but isn’t quite sure why.

  • Planes in Space

    Episode 70

    While taking a plane ride with Grandma, Jupiter spots the moon out during the day. He begs Grandma to fly them there, but Luna explains it’s not possible to fly to the moon in an airplane. But it gets her wondering, why can’t planes fly to outer space?

  • The Milky Way

    Episode 71

    Stargazing one night at Plum Creek the trio notices something very curious up in the sky: a great big long whitish streak in the sky! It looks almost like someone spilled milk! But what could it be? What’s happening here? They’ve just gotta know!!