Dr. Wonder is hyper focused on a new invention that he thinks could make Dr. Wonder's Workshop world famous, but he can't seem to get it to work like it should. Paula's chemistry analyzer is broken. She's very frustrated because she really needs it to do her work. She will need to wait a long time for it to be fixed. But Lisa and Edwin find an old, dusty, heavy machine in a storage closet that can help her in the meantime. In the end the whole team learns to be grateful for what they have, even if it's not exactly what they want.
Up Next in Season 1
Be Faithful
It's a banquet in Pop's honor for 50 years of faithful service to the community. Billy, Lisa, and Paula all give short testimonials about his steadfast friendship and dedication to others. Edwin and a young woman talk about how he has been such an inspiration in their church. A short clip is show...
Accept Differences
Billy returns from vacation and begins to make fun of Edwin. Lisa and Paula can't help but laugh. Doc reminds them to be more accepting of people's differences. But when Edwin fixes Lisa's broken calculator, and shows that he loves the Cardinals as much as Billy does, Edwin is accepted – differen...
Your Choices Affect Others
A different kind of show where Dr. Wonder uses his new invention – the Hologram Room – to show how our choices affect others. Then action resumes and we see the consequence to others of the decision that was made. Then time is reversed and the alternate decision is made and we see the consequenc...