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#270 - Fiesta Friday!

Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos) • 5m 48s

Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)

  • #261 - Mark Revealed!

    Welcome to BSI: Bible Scene Investigation where our hosts pursue the hard facts to answer the question, “Is Jesus Real?” [Spoiler: he is]. Cam kicks things off with the Gospel of Mark. Colleen goes for the gold in the Winter Horse Jumping event.

  • #264 - Luke/John Revealed!

    Brittani offers compelling facts about both Luke and John, showing these men to be reputable sources, and excellent authors. In Winter Horse Jumping, can Colleen land a 180?

  • #256 - H-A-R-D Bible Topics

    Cam kicks off our special series called “The Undiscovered Bible” which focuses on some of the Bible’s trickier subjects. Today, hear how to get the most out of these very special episodes. Plus—enjoy Colleen showcasing her special gift of figure skating!