#750 - GUIDANCE: Guidance at Home
Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
8m 49s
Today the Daily Devo Show hits the trail and travels to Riley's hometown for a special episode where we learn how she demonstrates receiving guidance around her community! Plus - Colleen might need a little guidance on how to catch that Pumpkin!
Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
#749 - GUIDANCE: Born to Be Amazing
FUN FACT! Back in 2020, Cameron was the first ever host of Worship Wednesday! Why are we sharing this? Because he's back hosting WORSHIP WEDNESDAY again today! This week's song is "Born to Be Amazing" by Kingdomcity Kids! Let's sing!
#748 - GUIDANCE: Guidance from the Ho...
Guidance week carries on! Today, Julia explores how people like you and me (and all of us) can actually get guidance...from the Holy Spirit! Plus, a second shot at locking down this week's memory verse.
#747 - GUIDANCE: The Blueprint for Gu...
Welcome back to another fantastic week here at Daily Devo HQ! Ready for a new tool? Brittani is here to kick off Guidance week! And she's got the blueprints to prove it! Plus, Colleen is out in the parking lot and it looks like she's going to do something WILD! Check it out!