#708 - MEMORIZATION: Methods of Memorization
Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
9m 37s
After learning about our newest tool (memorization) yesterday, you might be wondering: but how? Noel is here to teach us some incredible techniques on how to memorize these incredible verses! Also, a SECOND verse gets added?!?
Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
#707 - MEMORIZATION: Isn't Memorizing...
Brittani joins us to start a wonderful new week and tell us about the newest tool in our toolbelt: Memorization! And not just any memorization - Scripture Memorization! This week we are going to learn some methods! Let's get to work!
#706 - MEDITATION: A Meditation Mailbag!
Happy Friday Daily Devo Team! Brittani is here to guide us into the weekend by taking some (fictious) questions on the subject of meditation! Let's read them together!
#705 - MEDITATION: Talking to God
Michael pops on by the Daily Devo Construction Site to get us set us for this week's Throwback Thursday where we meet Noel in her quiet place, talking to God. Plus, Colleen stunt is really getting wild!