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#656 - The Character of God
Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
7m 51s
Long time no see! Leti returns to The Daily Devo forest to explore The Charecter of God! Sounds wild...and true! Plus, a final look at this week's stunt.
Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
#655 - King Solomon
What the baby in what?!? Today Riley is our host where we explore the genius of King Solomon! Also, we see how you are doing with Proverbs 30:5!
#654 - Every Word of God
Worship Wednesday has arrived and not a moment too soon! Michael is your guide today and our song is Every Word of God by Seeds Family Worship. Raise those voices!
#653 - The Biblical Sea Monster!
If you love wondering about 'what lies beneath,' today is the show for you! We travel waaaay back to learn all about the mysterious sea creature: LEVIATHAN! Was it real, or just an analogy? Plus, this week's memory verse gets a closer inspection!