#490 - How CAN We Get Wiser?
Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
7m 29s
The one and only LETI is here to host our final look on the Book of Proverbs! How *can* we gain wisdom? Spoiler: you are off to a good start!
Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
#489 - A Future I Can't See
Friend of the show Lester the Lobster stops by to guest host another rousing edition of Worship Wednesday! This week's song is A Future I Can't See by KidSpring and we see if Colleen can beat her personal best during the Garden Match Challenge!
#491 - A Time For Everything
Noel is here and she is fired up to talk all about Ecclesiastes, a book where we learn that there is truly a time for everything! And speaking of fired up, its Colleen's last shot at the Garden Match Challenge!
#488 - What is WISDOM?!?
Cam is here to introduce us to the Book of Proverbs and he gets a little help breaking down the book after a surprise pop-in from Lady Wisdom! Plus: more from the Garden Match Challenge!