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#182 - Hezekiah
Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
6m 54s
Keith-alan takes us through the story of this remarkable King who trusted God in ways that qualify him for hero status TO BE SURE!
Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
#181 - Dorcas
This week we’re featuring heroes in the Bible who are generally not as well-known… UNTIL NOW! Today Noel shares the story of Dorcas and her remarkable resurrection. Also, Colleen attempts to conquer the “Late For School” Obstacle Course!”
#180 - Sneak Peek: The First Disciples
Cameron shares this first-look at an all-new Bible Builds! It’s Ryland sharing the story of Jesus calling the first disciples. Enjoy!
#179 - Michael’s Story
Michael became a Christian early… but then the sorrows like sea billows rolled. Will his faith be strong enough?