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#163 - Reppin’ Jesus
Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
5m 50s
Happy Worship Wednesday! Brittani takes us down under to worship along with Praise Blast from Melbourne, Australia!
Up Next in Daily Devotionals for Your Fam (700+ Videos)
#164 - Peter Denies Christ
Julia shares the story of Peter’s lack of Integrity, but shows how Jesus redeemed Peter (and there’s good news for us too!)
#165 - Integrity Game Show
Cameron competes in the “Integrity Or Not?” Game Show, and Colleen tries to obliterate a 3-Banana target!
#156 - You Belong
Cameron kicks off a week of exploring the surprising characters that God picks to do amazing tasks, and show how God picks EVEN YOU! Also, Colleen tackles the 4-Wheeler Breakfast Challenge.