Let's meet a mechanic for kids in this crazy educational European Car Shop Tour for Kids! Mr. Alex from ABR in The Woodlands, Texas is showing us all about how they use their skills and tools to keep European cars running in tip-top shape, This one is chalk full of surprises, including an amazing shop dog named Bones. Cowboy Jack is an educational and fun channel for kids that takes them on adventures to explore this amazing world we call home. Every week, Cowboy Jack leads a new virtual field trip to somewhere new and exciting that is fun for the entire family to enjoy. Experience behind the scenes looks at everything from police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances to things like learning how a bowling alley works or what a dentist does to keep our teeth clean.
Up Next in Cowboy Jack
Let's Meet a Professional Window Wash...
Let's meet a professional window washer together and see some window cleaning fun for kids! Windows are our way to see the world, and the cleaner they are the brighter our world is! We met up with Mr. Scott from All Git Out Services and got to see how he cleans windows so incredibly well at the...
Learn about Photography and Taking Fa...
Let's learn about photography for kids and taking fun family photos! Pictures are snapshots in time that can be treasured forever, keeping that perfect moment preserved. Taking photos can be a confusing and stressful event for kids, so we're learning all about what goes into taking pictures to ...
Horses Need Shoes | Let’s Meet a Farrier
Did you know that horses wear shoes on their feet? They do and they're called horseshoes! Horses need shoes just like we do. Horses have all different sizes of feet (hooves) just like you and me, so getting a good fit is really important. We're with my friend Doug Hogue of Hogues Equine Servi...