Come on Over

Come on Over

22 Episodes

Express your creativity! It’s playtime with Joel and his friends! Come on over to the backyard for an extraordinary adventure filled with imagination and fun! From tin foil to paint to taking control of the moods we feel, the possibilities are endless in this backyard! So what are you waiting for? Come on over!

Come on Over
  • Working Together Is Super Duper

    Episode 22

    Joel fails when trying to build a birdhouse by himself. At first he wants to hide that from his friends but soon realizes that working together, anything's possible.

  • Tortoise and the Hare

    Episode 5

    Brandy is excited that she has a new library card. So she and Joel decide to put on a backyard musical based on one of the books that she has checked out "The Tortoise and Hare."

  • Thespians

    Episode 7

    Brandy wants to audition for a play. So Joel calls on his "Thespian" friends Director Greg and Actress Vicki. They all get bitten by the "Theatre Bug" and "Jump Right In."

  • Surprise! It's Your Birthday

    Episode 8

    Luis and Ruthie want to throw a surprise Birthday party for their granddaughter Marta. So they ask Joel for some artistic advice and Brandy how to be sneaky and she shows them by singing "Sneaky Like A Cat." Grandma Zippy helps with decorations and Mr. Flabbinjaw who secretly helps Marta with her...

  • Storytelling

    Episode 13

    Brandy has the opportunity to tell a story in class but she doesn't know what to tell. So she learns from her teacher Dr. Bickersteth the basics of telling a story and Joel calls on his friends Director Greg, Steve The Super Cool Guitar Player and Susannah The Poet to help explain different forms...

  • Scaredy Pants

    Episode 14

    Joel doesn't want to admit to Joy and Brandy that he is scared of spiders. When he does tell them, Joy teaches them that spiders are good and you shouldn't be afraid.

  • Puppet Guts

    Episode 21

    Joel finds a bag full of popsicle sticks, socks, and buttons, and when Brandy rushes in saying they were putting on a neighborhood puppet show, he knows it's the perfect way to use the bag of things.

  • Moods

    Episode 4

    Brandy is in a bad mood because her sister Candy has borrowed her shirt without asking and spilled something on it. So Joel helps Brandy get out of her bad mood with by exploring many different moods and how they can effect you. He gets help from his good friend Steve the super cool guitar player.

  • Mi Mi Mi

    Episode 20

    When Joel's grandmother asks him to speak to her new friend in town who loves opera, he doesn't want to admit he doesn't know anything about opera.

  • Making Music

    Episode 19

    Joel and Brandy learn about music from Steve the Super Cool Guitar Player and his band.

  • Let's Wrap Something up in Tinfoil

    Episode 1

    Joel discovers a giant box of tinfoil from his secret admirer, with a challenge to use it all. With the help of his neighborhood friends, Joel sets out to play, cook, and learn about tinfoil, all while trying to use every last piece. Think he can do it?

  • Laughter is the Best Medicine

    Episode 12

    Mr. Flabbinjaw is feeling under the weather, so Joel, Brany, Dr. FullOvit and Grandma Zippy try using laughter to make him feel better.

  • Joy's Lost Pet

    Episode 18

    Joy visits Joel on a quest to find her missing pet, Fido.

  • Go Green

    Episode 17

    Joel wants to learn more about the environment and what we can do to take care of the earth. He learns a lot from his friends Joy, Grandma Zippy and his neighbor Josh.

  • Express Yourself

    Episode 11

    Brandy brings over her friend Joy who is super shy, but has many hidden talents. So Joel and Brandy encourage her to show them off at an "Express Yourself Party" in the backyard.

  • Eat Right, Exercise and Play

    Episode 16

    Joel stays up way too late to paint and ends up falling asleep face first in his paint but learns that exercise and playtime are better than sugar at keeping him awake and helping him sleep.

  • Dance Fever

    Episode 9

    Joel needs to make a painting for the "Twinkle Toes School Of Dance" so Brandy invites her dancer friend Lindsey over to help them get inspired.

  • Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles

    Episode 3

    Joel feels uninspired by his drawing so he and Brandy get some fun advice from Dr. FullOvit on how to make Bubbles! The episode includes Dr. FullOvit's song "I Love Science" and swinging tune "Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles!"

  • Brothers & Sisters

    Episode 6

    Joel reminisces about all of the fun things he use to do with his brother. So he decides to invite Stevie over to do some of the fun things they did as kids. Brandy's sister Candy comes over to as does as surprise guest. Mr. Flabbinjaw's jolly, fun-loving twin brother.

  • Brandy's Grandy

    Episode 15

    Brandy's grandy, her grandmother, is coming to visit, but when Joel asks Brandy about her, she realizes she doesn't know her grandy as well as she thought.

  • Boreditis

    Episode 10

    Brandy has been bitten by the "bored bug" and has "boreditis" from playing too many video games with her cousin. So Joel sets out to cure her with fun, games, songs and "Emergency Plan X!"

  • Beeeees!

    Episode 2

    A hive of bees invades Joel's garage, and Brandy, Joel, and Dr. FullOvit don't know what to do. When extra help is needed, Grandma Zippy invites her beekeeper friends Ruthie and Luis to save the day.