#707 - MEMORIZATION: Isn't Memorizing HARD?
Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)
8m 10s
Brittani joins us to start a wonderful new week and tell us about the newest tool in our toolbelt: Memorization! And not just any memorization - Scripture Memorization! This week we are going to learn some methods! Let's get to work!
Up Next in Binge Daily Devo From The Beginning (700+ Episodes)
#708 - MEMORIZATION: Methods of Memor...
After learning about our newest tool (memorization) yesterday, you might be wondering: but how? Noel is here to teach us some incredible techniques on how to memorize these incredible verses! Also, a SECOND verse gets added?!?
#709 - MEMORIZATION: Phillipians 2:5
Cam hosts today's joyful and song-filled WORSHIP WEDNESDAY, which is sung by our own Julia! And suprise: ANOTHER memory verse gets added? We are really diving in this week, team!
#710 - MEMORIZATION: For God So Loved...
Jenisys knows a lot about prayer, but how is her memorization? Today, she pops by to host our special Throwback Thursday where Julia and Noel walk us through one of the most FAMOUS bible verses! And you know that that means: ANOTHER verse to memorize! We can do this!