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Spoiling the Schemes of Luxor Spawndroth | Pt. 2

If You Love Superbook, You'll Love Bibleman! • 12m

Up Next in If You Love Superbook, You'll Love Bibleman!

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    It’s MY money, and you can’t tell me what to do with it!” Uh-oh, sounds like somebody is having second thoughts about paying their pledge to the Youth Group Fundraiser —and Lila is a member of the group! That sparkling GreeDust must have something to do with it.
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  • Say Goodbye to the Grand Duchess of G...

    It’s MY money, and you can’t tell me what to do with it!” Uh-oh, sounds like somebody is having second thoughts about paying their pledge to the Youth Group Fundraiser —and Lila is a member of the group! That sparkling GreeDust must have something to do with it.
    Bible story: Elijah & the Widow. K...