Scrapping The Sultan’s Stinging Stickers of Selfishness
If You Love Superbook, You'll Love Bibleman!
The Principal of Spruce Avenue Elementary School booked some guy called The Sultan of Success as a guest speaker. What was she thinking? And what are those sticker on her lapel? Good thing the Bible team is always vigilant for threats. Or are they?
Bible story: The Patience of Job. Key verse: Proverbs 14:29
Up Next in If You Love Superbook, You'll Love Bibleman!
Say Goodbye to the Grand Duchess of G...
It’s MY money, and you can’t tell me what to do with it!” Uh-oh, sounds like somebody is having second thoughts about paying their pledge to the Youth Group Fundraiser —and Lila is a member of the group! That sparkling GreeDust must have something to do with it.
Bible story: Elijah & the Widow. K... -
Say Goodbye to the Grand Duchess of G...
It’s MY money, and you can’t tell me what to do with it!” Uh-oh, sounds like somebody is having second thoughts about paying their pledge to the Youth Group Fundraiser —and Lila is a member of the group! That sparkling GreeDust must have something to do with it.
Bible story: Elijah & the Widow. K... -
Halting the Hateful Hand of Mister Ma...
Yes, two-on-two basketball can be very competitive, but there must still be such a thing as “a friendly game,” right? Maybe not. When Cypher sees a threat alarm at East Side Park, he’s not expecting to turn into Bibleman’s enemy. How could this happen?
Bible story: The Unmerciful Servant. Key ver...