Bible In A Year:  The Daily Devo Show

Bible In A Year: The Daily Devo Show

66 books... 100s of stories... all woven together to reveal God's unstoppable plan and his BIG BIG love for us!

Bible In A Year:  The Daily Devo Show
  • #532 - The Transfiguration

    Happy Monday! Brittani is your guide today as we learn about Jesus and the transfiguration story from Mark. Plus, a new stunt from Colleen!

  • #533 - Jesus and The Little Children

    Jenisys (a real kid!) is here to tell us about how Jesus loved all the little children! You won't want to miss this one!

  • #534 - Shout Joy!

    It's WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Julia is here to today's episode and present the song "Shout Joy!" by GMS Live Kidz! Also, another look at this week's memory verse: Mark 1:11

  • #535 - The Christmas Story! September? It's always a treat when Lester the Lobster stops by to cover one of the most amazing stories in the history of the world!

  • #536 - The Good Samaritan

    It's Friday and Cameron joins us today for the parable of The Good Samaritan! Also, one last chance for Colleen to win the Wacky Knockdown Challenge!

  • #537 - Mary & Martha

    It's Monday and today, Noel is here to teach us the story of Mary and Martha! Also, we learn our new memory verse!

  • #538 - The Prodigal Son!

    Michael is our host on this beautiful Tuesday as we learn the story of The Prodigal Son! Also, have you learned this week's Memory Verse?

  • #539 - More Than Conquerors

    It's Wednesday, so you know what that means: WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Cameron is here as we listen to "Romans 8:37 - More Than Conquerors" by Seeds Family Worship.

  • #540 - Zacchaeus

    Our good ol' buddy Lester returns for a very special look at the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. Plus, we do our best to learn this week's memory verse.

  • #541 - Word Becomes Flesh

    Happy Friday! Today Julia is here to help us kick off the Gospel of John! Also, one last chance to see if Colleen can avoid popping that balloon!

  • #542 - The Miracle of Lazarus

    Welcome back to another week of The Daily Devo Show! Riley is here to tell us all about LAZARUS! Plus, we check out our new memory verse and take a peek at Colleen's new stunt!

  • #543 - Good Friday

    Noel is here to break down the story of Good Friday from the Book of John! Also, how is Colleen doing keeping up with Tarah's instructions?

  • #544 - All Things Are New

    Julia joins us today for Worship Wednesday! This week's song is "All Things Are New" by Make Some Noise Kids! Let's worship!

  • #545 - The Resurrection

    Lester The Lobster graces us with his presence today as we learn about one of the most amazing moments in the history of the world: The Resurrection of Christ.

  • #546 - Doubting Thomas

    Cam is here! Today we learn about Jesus appearing to his discples, but one of them not being around for it! Plus, a final chance at this week's memory verse.

  • #547 - Jesus Ascends!

    Funday Monday! Michael is here as we crack open the Book of Acts! Plus, we learn this week's new memory verse!

  • #548 - Saul Becomes Paul

    Cameron is our host today as we dive deeper into the story of Saul! Or should we say PAUL! Also, Colleen tries again to succeed at Human Beach Ball!

  • #549 - You Are Good

    Worship Wednesday! Julia stops by to introduce the song "You Are Good" by Kingdomcity Kids! Also, how are you doing on this week's memory verse?

  • #550 - A Changing Church

    Your friend and mine NOEL is here to host today's episode of The Daily Devo Show! What story from Acts will we cover today? Tune it to find out!

  • #551- Paul's Big Journey

    It's Friday and Brittani is IN THE HOOOOUSE for our last look at the Book of Acts. Also, Colleen wants to try something new with the Human Beach Ball!

  • #552 - Paul Writes To Rome!

    Welcome back! Today we begin studying the book of ROMANS! Noel helps us learn about what Paul was writing about and we take a first look at this week's memory verse.

  • #553 - God Sticks To Us

    Longtime Daily Devo host Cameron is on this glorious Tuesday as we continue our look at the book of Romans! Plus, we find out how Colleen is doing as she hangs with a pro!

  • #554 - Come Thou Fount (Loudest Praise)

    IT'S WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Today, Riley is our host and the song of the week is Come Thou Fount (Loudest Praise) by The Kingdom Here! You ready to worship? Let's do this!

  • #555 - Redemption and Righteousness

    Leti stops by as we continue our deep dive into the book of Rrrrrrromans! We learn ALL about the Letter R today and it's many uses. Confused? Watch to find out!