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Watch this video and more on Yippee - Faith filled shows!


The Ballad of Little Joe

Up Next in Season 1

  • Are You My Neighbor?

    Two stories, told by the VeggieTales gang, talk about why it's important to love your neighbor. "The Story of Flibber-O-Loo": The inhabitants of the towns Flibber-O-Loo and Jibberty-Lot, who are constantly fighting, attempt to make peace with each other. "The Gourds Must Be Crazy": The USS Applep...

  • King George and the Ducky

    King George, unlike most kings, spends most of his time in the bathtub, playing with his favorite toy - a rubber ducky. But George isn't satisfied with just his rubber ducky - he wants all the duckies! The king learns a lesson in humility from his brave soldier Thomas, whose ducky George had stol...

  • Duke and the Great Pie War

    When the armies of Rhubarb go to battle against the Kingdom of Scone, The Great Pie War breaks out and things get really messy. Sweet Petunia, a charming young rhubarb, is forced to flee her homeland and live in a tree stump in a foreign land. When the Duke learns of the Princess's plight, he ris...