Treasure Champs
A funny and warm-hearted pre-school series featuring two comedic animated characters called Barry and Kari who explore a different value, or ‘treasure’. A wide range of treasures are explored including Courage, Teamwork, Loyalty & Obedience! Each episode also includes a live action retelling of a story from the bible, plus short films about inspiring children who are living out the treasures in their daily lives.
Barry is playing with all his many toys but is only willing to give Kari a small pebble to play with. When Kari turns it into an exciting toy character, she shows true generosity by letting Barry play with it. To show his thanks, Barry gives Kari a Super Mega Awesome Stone, but it’s so heavy it...
Kari is scared of playing her trumpet in front of the Treasure Champs, but Barry reminds her how he had courage to buy her a trumpet in the first place. Barry also shows courage by going into a dark cave where a funny creature lives! We meet one Treasure Champ who visits a hospital to have a pl...
Barry is adventurous by exploring the wonders beneath a magical trapdoor; coming back with tales of a land full of glitter and unicorns! But Kari is unsure and would prefer to play things safe. A group of young Treasure Champs show adventurousness by climbing to the top of a tower on a hill and ...
Barry, Kari and Thingy are trying to decide what to play. They try the tactic of “loudest voice wins” but Thingy is the noisiest of all! Instead, they opt to play what most of them want to play. Barry and Kari win with their choice of reading, and Thingy is more than happy to join in!We meet a...
When Kari is about to throw out an old box of rubbish, Barry shows that they can use it for something creative instead. Kari struggles to get her imagination going, but accidentally dropping a box in green paint leads her to create a fantastic homemade alien! Barry also creates a box: to store ...
Kari struggles to understand why Barry is so sad after a football match in which he was the goalkeeper and let in lots of goals. Barry gives her a magic remote control (he knew it would come in handy one day) to allow her to replay the action. She sees how upset Barry was, so she helps him train...