5 Awesome Static Electricity Experiments for Kids
TheDadLab (140+ Episodes)
3m 36s
There are different types of electricity, and today we are showing you five simple experiments with static electricity you could do at home. We see static electricity around us quite often, and it even builds on us. When we rub our feet on the carpet, we build up static electricity on the surface of our skin. It could make pieces of paper to stick to our feet or even zap something when we touch it. Did you know that lightning is also static electricity? The temperature of a lightning bolt is about 27,700 degrees Celsius (50000°F) that is five times hotter than the temperature of the surface of the Sun! If you rub a balloon on your hair, electrons are transferred from your hair to the balloon. This process gives the balloon a negative charge, and your hairs are left with a positive one. Almost like with a magnet, opposite charges will attract each other, and similar charges will repel.
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