The First Christmas
Superbook (26 Videos)
Commercial Christmas mayhem reigns in the Quantum household. The Prince of Peace seems to have left this family to their own comical devices and distractions on this blessed holiday. When Chris ignores his promise to set up the nativity scene, he offhandedly says to Joy that it's just another decoration like all their reindeer, snowflakes and Santa's elves. SUPERBOOK intercedes and whisks our young heroes off on a journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas. They learn of Herod's secret plan to try and thwart the birth of a new "king" who he imagines as a threat to his throne. Chris, Joy and Gizmo then travel with Mary and Joseph, who are on their way to Bethlehem for the census. On their journey, Chris is comically caught up in thinking he spies Herod's men behind every rock and tree as he positions himself as the Holy Family's personal bodyguard. In time, the power of the blessed event of Jesus' birth overtakes all else in their minds, as Angels and shepherds overtake the stable and sing glorious praise. Our heroes eventually return home to refocus the Quantum's Christmas Eve preparations back on Christ's birthday, and less on the commercial trappings of the holiday season.
Up Next in Superbook (26 Videos)
He Is Risen!
Chris is having an argument with his mother, Phoebe, and he's displaying disrespect for her wishes. SUPERBOOK appears, and in a very special episode, takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo AND Phoebe back in time, for an encounter with Jesus' mother Mary at a most trying time, her son's crucifixion. During the ...