Sunny Bunnies

Sunny Bunnies

49 Episodes

"Sunny Bunnies are five beaming balls of light that can appear anywhere there is a light source, bringing fun and happiness everywhere they go. However, each time they appear their actions turn into a mischievous game. Sometimes too mischievous..Sunny Bunnies are full of joy and any dull matter they happen to come across is turned into an exciting game, and any place they happen to be at into a playground. Playing is what they do best. Wherever they appear – park, stadium or circus – the Bunnies find something to do straight away and make it fun. Not everything, however, comes out the way they planned it to. But that doesn’t stop them and they try their incredible tricks again and again, until their goal is reached.Sunny Bunnies can laugh at each other and make jokes with each other, but they are always ready to lend a hand. They quite often end up in ridiculous and funny situations but always find a solution to the most difficult of problems – all thanks to the team spirit!

Sunny Bunnies
  • Juggler

    Episode 20

    Even though balls and rings keep falling down, Sunny Bunnies will not give up until becoming professional jugglers

  • How To Play Tennis

    Episode 15

    Turbo volunteers to be the referee while the other Sunny Bunnies learn to play tennis. But he will soon regret his decision.

  • How to Make a Friend Laugh

    Episode 27

    Shiny is very disappointed and all her friends' efforts to cheer her up seem to fail, except for a humorous unexpected outcome.

  • How to Cook a Burger

    Episode 38

    Big Gray Wolf has developed a special device to make burgers from… bunnies! But it's not so easy to catch these fluffy Sunny Bunnies.

  • Hocus-Pocus

    Episode 23

    While preforming as a magician for his friends, Big Boo makes them all disappear. What will he do to bring them back?

  • Higher Than Anyone

    Episode 19

    Time to try to be high jumpers and Sunny Bunnies will use all possible means to jump over the bar. But how are they going to get down afterwards?

  • Hide-and-Seek

    Episode 8

    Museums are always full of interesting stuff and secret passages! Just the perfect place for Sunny Bunnies to play hide and seek

  • Hard Nut to Crack

    Episode 47

    Who is the strongest of Sunny Bunnies? There is only one thing to determine it - a special attraction called Hammer. Although our friends will learn some tasks require not only strength, but also ingenuity.

  • Golden Golf Club

    Episode 26

    Turbo needs to have some lessons on how to play golf and his friends will be happy to teach him.

  • Glutton

    Episode 31

    What happens to those who eat too many pastries? Big Boo, who has the biggest sweet tooth, will be the one to discover.

  • Funfair Ride Trap

    Episode 36

    The resourceful Big Gray Wolf prepares a cunning trap to catch Sunny Bunnies! But the jolly bunnies not only manage to avoid the trap, but also enjoy a happy ride on the carrousel afterwards.

  • Football Team

    Episode 34

    In order to enjoy a huge ice-cream, Sunny Bunnies are ready to learn to play the hardest game of all, to win the trophy and use it as... a plate!

  • Fluffy-Eared Team

    Episode 30

    Sunny Bunnies are finding it really challenging to score a basket, what else can they try to succeed?

  • Elusive Cake

    Episode 32

    While having some desserts at the park cafe, Turbo picks up the most mouth-watering cake, but all his friends want exactly the same one!

  • Concert

    Episode 3

    Sunny Bunnies' fun nature is impossible to put on hold, and a symphonic concert turns into a mischievous disco.

  • Colour Mixer

    Episode 17

    Unable to decide which activity to do first, Hopper and Big Boo end up exchanging their respective colours… and personalities.

  • Chickabunnies

    Episode 41

    Gray Wolf's breakfast is being disturbed by Sunny Bunnies' games, so he decides to magically turn them into eggs!

  • Catch Me!

    Episode 11

    How to get rid of a balloon when your completely covered with hair? Sunny Bunnies will experiment the static electricity's effect on their owns.

  • Burning Desires

    Episode 14

    Sunny Bunnies discover a magic flower which makes wishes come true, but Hopper will soon realize playing alone is not that much fun.

  • Bunnies On The Moon

    Episode 5

    Solar eclipse interrupts Sunny Bunny’s play. To solve the mystery, they urgently set off for the Moon.

  • Bubbles

    Episode 16

    Sunny Bunnies are enjoying a lot creating amazing shapes with their bubble mixtures, but Big Boo seems to be allergic to bubbles.

  • Brave pilot

    Episode 22

    Sunny Bunnies will help Big Boo to fulfill his dream: being a pilot. But things take an unexpected turn and Big Boo will have to rescue his friends; but to do this, he needs to learn how to fly.

  • Birthday

    Episode 9

    When celebrating Shiny's birthday, Sunny Bunnies inflate too many balloons and the birthday girl ends up flying high into the sky.

  • Big Ice-Cream for Little Bunny

    Episode 48

    Hopper is faced with a difficult choice: tiny ice cream right here or a huge one at the top of the mountain? The small sweet tooth will have to overcome tricky traps to get to the "fake" prize.