Space Kids

Space Kids

35 Episodes

Space Kids explores the infinite wonders of our universe and answers the big questions, like is their life on other planets? How is a star born? How do you become and astronaut? And are we really made of star dust? Mixing amazing NASA archive footage with cool animation, Space Kids gives curious kids the ABC's of outer space.

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Space Kids
  • Uranus
    Episode 17


    Episode 17

    Like winter? Then you'll love Uranus, the coldest planets in our Solar System. Take a tour of the seventh planet from the Sun, where temperatures hover around -224°C, in this cool episode of Space Kids.

  • The Sun

    Episode 3

    The big beautiful, burning ball in the sky is our Sun. In this episode, find out about our amazing Sun and see amazing, close up pictures sent back to Earth from our spaceships.

  • Saturn
    Episode 16


    Episode 16

    Take a tour of the sixth furthest planet from the sun in our Solar System, Saturn and get a close up look at its icy, rocky rings.

  • Pictures Of The Night

    Episode 19

    People have been making pictures of the night sky for thousands and thousands of years. Take a trip through history to see how we’ve etched, sketched, drawn and painted the night sky through the millennia.

  • Our Solar System

    Episode 1

    Eight planets travel in circular paths around a burning ball of gases, called the Sun. Welcome to our Solar System, our space neighbourhood.

  • Mercury

    Episode 6

    Take a tour of Mercury and find out all about the Solar System’s smallest planet.

  • Neptune

    Episode 18

    Take a trip to Neptune the furthest planet from the Sun in our Solar System. Get an up-close look and find out how this cold, slushy planet gets its bright blue colour.

  • Mars
    Episode 4


    Episode 4

    Although humans haven’t travelled there yet, next to Earth Mars is the most explored planet in our solar system. In this episode, find out some of the amazing facts we’ve learned about the Red Planet.

  • Jupiter

    Episode 15

    Chances are if you have looked up at night, you will have seen Jupiter shining brightly. This episode takes you up close for an even better look at the biggest, fastest spinning planet in our Solar System.

  • Is The Milky Way Made Of Milk?

    Episode 20

    If you’re outside at night, and you’re far away from the lights of buildings and cities, look up at the sky. You may just see a faint band of light that looks kind of like milk spilled across the sky. In this episode, find out all about the Milky Way galaxy.

  • How To Become An Astronaut

    Episode 22

    Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut? This episode explains what takes to get a job in space.