

51 Episodes
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Meet the Pajanimals! These cuddly, gentle friends help young viewers learn important lessons they need every day.

  • Oops!
    Episode 27


    Episode 27

    Squacky is excited because he doesn’t have to wear a pull up to bed for the first time ever!

  • The Cow's Meow

    Episode 32

    When the Pajanimals are playing “house,” Sweet Pea Sue wants Cowbella to play the family puppy, but she would rather be a kitty.

  • Mountains of Messiness

    Episode 30

    The Pajanimals have made a huge mess and while they are cleaning it up before bed, Cowbella has a great idea… what if they don’t clean it up?

  • Sing A Pajanimal Song

    Episode 28

    The Pajanimals have formed a band!

  • Night Will Sing Us To Sleep

    Episode 25

    At bedtime, the Pajanimals hear lots of nighttime noises.

  • Puppy Love

    Episode 26

    When the Pajanimals take care of Grandma and Grandpa’s puppy, they quickly learn about responsibility.

  • The Rocket Ride

    Episode 24

    Apollo is finally tall enough to ride a big ride at the amusement park tomorrow, but he’s secretly scared.

  • Home Sweet Home

    Episode 20

    As the Pajanimals get ready for a big trip, they notice that Sweet Pea Sue is packing almost everything she owns!

  • Game Day

    Episode 22

    The Pajanimals have been outside all day, playing and having fun, but Squacky has been inside all day playing a video game.

  • Share Day

    Episode 23

    Sweet Pea gets nervous when she realizes she’ll have to talk in front of people at the preschool's Share Day!

  • Apollo's Special Day

    Episode 18

    Cowbella doesn’t even want to go to Apollo’s birthday party! She's too jealous.

  • I'm Sorry, Really Sorry

    Episode 19

    Cowbella and Sweet Pea Sue get into a big fight!

  • No Bath For Me

    Episode 14

    Cowbella can’t sleep because she’s itchy from not taking a bath.

  • Blankie In The Laundry

    Episode 17

    It's bedtime and Squacky can’t sleep because his blankie is being washed!

  • Happy Birthday Sweet Pea Sue

    Episode 13

    It's Sweet Pea Sue's birthday tomorrow and she is nervous about the party.

  • Super Squacky

    Episode 11

    Squacky is so excited to see a movie about his favorite superhero tomorrow, he keeps waking up in the middle of the night.

  • Try and Try Again

    Episode 15

    The Pajanimals have their first baseball practice tomorrow morning, but Apollo is nervous because he isn’t sure if he’ll be any good.

  • House of Pancakes

    Episode 16

    Mom is going to make waffles instead of her usual pancakes, which upsets Sweet Pea Sue.

  • Dream A Happy Dream

    Episode 12

    Cowbella is afraid to go to sleep because she might have a bad dream.

  • A Super Sweet Night

    Episode 9

    Cowbella decides to eat all of her candy right now, but then can’t go to sleep.

  • The Not-So Great Outdoors

    Episode 10

    Squacky didn’t have a good time and has decided that he’s never going outside again!

  • An Octopus Hug

    Episode 8

    Sweet Pea Sue can’t sleep because she’s scared of a picture of an octopus she saw in a book.

  • Under The Bed

    Episode 2

    Squacky thinks he sees a monster under his bed!

  • Winning Isn’t Everything

    Episode 7

    Apollo gets upset because he never wins any of the games the Pajanimals are playing.