51 Episodes
Meet the Pajanimals! These cuddly, gentle friends help young viewers learn important lessons they need every day.
11:24Episode 32
The Cow's Meow
Episode 32
When the Pajanimals are playing “house,” Sweet Pea Sue wants Cowbella to play the family puppy, but she would rather be a kitty.
11:24Episode 30
Mountains of Messiness
Episode 30
The Pajanimals have made a huge mess and while they are cleaning it up before bed, Cowbella has a great idea… what if they don’t clean it up?
11:24Episode 28
Sing A Pajanimal Song
Episode 28
The Pajanimals have formed a band!
11:24Episode 25
Night Will Sing Us To Sleep
Episode 25
At bedtime, the Pajanimals hear lots of nighttime noises.
11:24Episode 26
Puppy Love
Episode 26
When the Pajanimals take care of Grandma and Grandpa’s puppy, they quickly learn about responsibility.
11:24Episode 24
The Rocket Ride
Episode 24
Apollo is finally tall enough to ride a big ride at the amusement park tomorrow, but he’s secretly scared.
11:24Episode 20
Home Sweet Home
Episode 20
As the Pajanimals get ready for a big trip, they notice that Sweet Pea Sue is packing almost everything she owns!
11:24Episode 18
Apollo's Special Day
Episode 18
Cowbella doesn’t even want to go to Apollo’s birthday party! She's too jealous.
11:24Episode 19
I'm Sorry, Really Sorry
Episode 19
Cowbella and Sweet Pea Sue get into a big fight!
11:24Episode 14
No Bath For Me
Episode 14
Cowbella can’t sleep because she’s itchy from not taking a bath.
11:24Episode 17
Blankie In The Laundry
Episode 17
It's bedtime and Squacky can’t sleep because his blankie is being washed!
11:24Episode 13
Happy Birthday Sweet Pea Sue
Episode 13
It's Sweet Pea Sue's birthday tomorrow and she is nervous about the party.
11:25Episode 11
Super Squacky
Episode 11
Squacky is so excited to see a movie about his favorite superhero tomorrow, he keeps waking up in the middle of the night.
11:24Episode 15
Try and Try Again
Episode 15
The Pajanimals have their first baseball practice tomorrow morning, but Apollo is nervous because he isn’t sure if he’ll be any good.
11:24Episode 16
House of Pancakes
Episode 16
Mom is going to make waffles instead of her usual pancakes, which upsets Sweet Pea Sue.
11:24Episode 12
Dream A Happy Dream
Episode 12
Cowbella is afraid to go to sleep because she might have a bad dream.
11:25Episode 9
A Super Sweet Night
Episode 9
Cowbella decides to eat all of her candy right now, but then can’t go to sleep.
11:25Episode 10
The Not-So Great Outdoors
Episode 10
Squacky didn’t have a good time and has decided that he’s never going outside again!
11:24Episode 8
An Octopus Hug
Episode 8
Sweet Pea Sue can’t sleep because she’s scared of a picture of an octopus she saw in a book.
11:24Episode 2
Under The Bed
Episode 2
Squacky thinks he sees a monster under his bed!
11:24Episode 7
Winning Isn’t Everything
Episode 7
Apollo gets upset because he never wins any of the games the Pajanimals are playing.