The Marshmallow
New! Just Added
6m 20s
Simka and Nolik’s parents, Masiya and Papus, have had a quarrel. It seems that Masiya was overwhelmed with chores to finish before the New Year’s celebration and she had asked Papus to get Simka and Nolik so they all could help. But when Masiya found Papus, he was busy playing a game with the kids on their fixiephone. Masiya became furious and stormed off. Now she and Papus are not speaking to each other. Simka and Nolik are worried that if this fight continues their family will not celebrate the New Year together. Tom Thomas suggests that the kids get the parents face to face so they will be forced to talk to one another. Simka and Nolik make a bouquet of flowers from little marshmallows and then trick their parents into meeting by telling them separately there is an emergency they need to help out with. Masiya and Papus suddenly find themselves face to face. The Fixie kids secretly place a bouquet of “flowers” into their father’s hand that he gives to his wife as a gift. Masiya is flattered by the gesture. Their anger subsides and they apologize to one another for getting angry. They call for their children so they can be together to celebrate the ringing in of the New Year.
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