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Watch this video and more on Yippee - Faith filled shows!


Mickey's Farm • 11m

Up Next in Mickey's Farm

  • Cat

    Mickey investigates a disturbing sound coming from the barn. He discovers what he thinks is a city cat and chases it away from the farm. Megan and Kit the Cat show Mickey how he and Kit have something in common.

  • Canoe

    After getting a new doghouse, Mickey goes to visit some farm friends in their homes but discovers a strange, long “home” without a door or windows. Megan and Carlton the Canoe show Mickey what he really saw.

  • Butterfly

    Mickey seeks out his new friend the caterpillar and is confused when he finds a butterfly in his place. Megan and Cleo the Caterpillar teach Mickey about how caterpillars turn into butterflies and Mickey is reunited with his newly-formed butterfly friend.