Jesus and the Children
Holy Moly (12 Videos)
Jesus and the Children - Many people want to spend time with Jesus, but learning from Him is for grownups only. Right? The Widow's Offering - While people are donating to charity at the Temple, Jesus points out that a widow’s donation was the most valuable. But how can that be if she only donated two coins? Mary and Martha - When Jesus comes to visit sisters Mary and Martha, one sister just wants to talk to Jesus, and the other does everything else. Which sister is focused on what’s most important? Zacchaeus the Tax Collector - As a tax collector for the Romans, Zacchaeus is not well-liked. So why would Jesus want to have dinner at his house? Jesus Enters Jerusalem -A donkey is hired to carry someone into Jerusalem, and wonders why everyone is so excited. Just who is this man he’s carrying?
Up Next in Holy Moly (12 Videos)
Breakfast with Jesus
Breakfast with Jesus - Though they know Jesus as risen from the dead, the disciples aren’t sure what’s become of Him. Perhaps that mysterious stranger on the beach has some answers... The Great Call - Now that Jesus has risen, he has a job for the disciples. The job is much bigger than anyone cou...