Yancy - Strength & Shield
Strength & Shield
Hora de Bailar
¿Te perdiste el lanzamiento de “Dios me Ama”? Puedes verla aqui: Con esta canción Los niños podrán de ponerse de pie para bailar y a adorar a Dios. Kids will get up and dance to this song as they remember to praise Jesus with all that they are!
This Little Light Of Mine
Listener Kids is a fun, educational platform for kids (ages 0-6) that teaches Christian values creatively. In a world where animals can sing, dance, and objects come to life, our music videos get kids singing and dancing while teaching values parents approve. At Listener Kids you’ll find Sunday S...
Trust In You
Your preschoolers will memorize Psalm 9:10a (NLT) and names of God with this upbeat song!
Yancy - Trust & Believe
Trust & Believe
Praise His Name (Music Video)
In Hebrews 11:1, the Bible says, "Faith is being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it." This song captures the idea that from now until heaven, we can continue to PRAISE HIS NAME because of the faith we have in him!
Yancy - Wherever I Go
Wherever I Go
The Whole World
Listener Kids is a fun, educational platform for kids (ages 0-6) that teaches Christian values creatively. In a world where animals can sing, dance, and objects come to life, our music videos get kids singing and dancing while teaching values parents approve. At Listener Kids you’ll find Sunday S...
Hope In My Heart
We just can’t stop smiling because God put a hope in our heart!
Yancy - Send Me
Send Me
Praising (Actions Version)
BIG BIG WORSHIP is an all new worship resource for kids church. Here on Yippee you can find Big Big Worship songs that are always God centered, engaging and fun!
Yancy - Not Ashamed
Not Ashamed
Yancy - L.O.V.E
Yancy - Always Be There
Always Be There
I've Got The Joy Joy Joy (Playtime Mix)
Listener Kids is a fun, educational platform for kids (ages 0-6) that teaches Christian values creatively. In a world where animals can sing, dance, and objects come to life, our music videos get kids singing and dancing while teaching values parents approve. At Listener Kids you’ll find Sunday S...
Yancy - Do:Be:Give Love
Do:Be:Give Love
This Is The Day
Listener Kids is a fun, educational platform for kids (ages 0-6) that teaches Christian values creatively. In a world where animals can sing, dance, and objects come to life, our music videos get kids singing and dancing while teaching values parents approve. At Listener Kids you’ll find Sunday S...
Jeremias 32
¡Nada es imposible para Dios! El niño podrá memorizar jeremías 32:17 con esta canción! Nothing is too hard for God! Kids can memorize Jeremiah 32:17 with this song!
Yancy -On & On
Yancy - When We Serve
A Future I Can't See
God always has a good plan. Sing this song to remember to “flash forward” and believe that God will come through!
Yancy - With Me Every Day
Yancy - Praise The Lord Every Day
Yancy - Oh I Know