Earth To Luna

Earth To Luna

118 Episodes

This preschool series is all about Luna, a six-year-old girl who is passionately into science and will do everything she can to understand the world around her.

Earth To Luna
  • The Sinking Grape

    Episode 24

    It’s a beautiful day for a picnic in the park with momma and daddy. As the family sits down to eat, Luna accidentally sends her orange rolling down hill. She races after it, but isn’t able to get to it in time and it ends up in the lake.

  • Blowing Bubbles

    Episode 25

    In this episode, Luna learns all about why bubbles are always round, constellations, cats and their whiskers, what makes hot air balloons go up, and why the ocean is salty.

  • Drawings in the Sky

    Episode 26

    In this episode, Luna learns all about the moon and its craters, how wind instruments make sound, geckos, snow and how it's made, and what makes popcorn pop!

  • A Cat’s Whiskers

    Episode 27

    In this episode, Luna learns all about how different animals use their tails, how flowers turn into fruit, spiders and their webs, thunderstorms, and dogs and their scent messages.

  • Up, Up, and Away

    Episode 28

    In this episode, Luna learns all about the sun being a star, nature's best defense, trees and their age, where chocolate comes from, and how silkworms make silk.

  • Salt of the Sea

    Episode 29

    In episode five of season two, Luna learns all about friction, shadows and how they are formed, how sound travels, roly-polies, parrots, and recycling!

  • Great Craters!

    Episode 30

    Jupiter thinks the moon looks a lot like Momma’s Swiss cheese, what with its holes and everything. Luna is quite positive the moon is not made out of cheese, but where the moon’s holes came from she’s not quite sure.

  • Do Re Me Fa-lute

    Episode 31

    Jupiter has just gotten a brand new pan flute and is ready to join Luna’s band. AS he starts trying to make music, they get to wondering, how do flutes make sound?

  • Gecko Glue?

    Episode 32

    How do geckos stick to things?

  • Snow Day

    Episode 33

    Snowy days are the best! So many fun things to do and play. But, what exactly is snow and what makes it snow?

  • Popcorn A-Poppin’

    Episode 34

    Luna and Jupiter just love popcorn... but they’d never thought about what actually makes popcorn pop. How does corn turn into popcorn?

  • A Tail of Tails

    Episode 35

    Clyde just loves playing with the cat next door, but when the kitty suddenly startles, she surprises Clyde with a mean meow and a puffed up tail. Luna gets to wondering, why are there so many different types of tails and why do animals have them?

  • Flowers and Fruit

    Episode 36

    After finding an orange blossom on the ground, the trio is amazed to learn that oranges actually come from orange blossom flowers! But how can a flower become a fruit?

  • Spinning Webs

    Episode 37

    Luna, Jupiter, and Clyde are playing soccer with Tom, Alice, and Igor when they discover a spider web in the backyard! But they wonder, how do spiders build their webs? Where do they get the string to build to build it?

  • One Thunder, Two Thunder, Three!

    Episode 38

    Luna discovers that Jupiter and Clyde are afraid of thunder. She teaches them Daddy’s special trick for counting thunders to measure how far away the storm is getting, but it gets her wondering... how does Daddy’s trick work?

  • A Dog’s Paws

    Episode 39

    While playing hopscotch with Alice out front, the gang notices Dr Jane’s dog, Snowball, doing something really odd... pawing the ground like he’s wiping his feet and then rubbing up against a bush like he’s got an itch. But what could he be doing?

  • The Superstar

    Episode 40

    It’s a particularly hot sunny day, the sun is shining bright in the sky, which gets Jupiter wondering... What do you call people who are born on the Planet Sun? Planet Sun? Luna’s pretty sure the sun isn’t a planet, but then what is it?

  • Not What it Looks Like

    Episode 41

    Luna and Jupiter are looking everywhere for Clyde the little ferret, but he’s nowhere to be found. Turns out he was camouflaged! But why do some animals camouflage themselves? Time for another fun-filled make-believe in search of answers!

  • How old are you?

    Episode 42

    It’s Clyde’s birthday which gets everyone wondering about the age of other things too, like how old are trees and how do you find out how old they are.

  • Chocolate Seeds

    Episode 43

    The trio is thoroughly wiped out after running around the backyard and Luna treats them each to a little piece of chocolate. They are absolutely amazed to discover that chocolate actually comes from a fruit on a tree! But how can you grow a chocolate tree?

  • Silkworms

    Episode 44

    When Grandma and Grandpa send the gang some beautiful silk robes from their trip to China, Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are surprised that little silkworms made the silk robes. But how can something so small make such beautiful robes?

  • Slip-sliding Along

    Episode 45

    While playing with little toy cars in Jupiter’s room, the trio notices something very curious – their toy cars move very differently across different surfaces. But why? What’s Happening Here?

  • Scared of His Own Shadow

    Episode 46

    When Jupiter spots his shadow late one night, he’s frightened by the shape and size, thinking surely a monster is after him! He runs to the safety of Luna’s room where she and Clyde help him see how fun shadows really are.

  • Echo-echo-echo

    Episode 47

    When the trio walks through a tunnel at the park, they discover something really neat, inside the tunnel their voices echo! But what is an echo and why does it only work in some places?