Earth To Luna
When the trio go to top of Mount Vesuvius to explore, they are surprised to see steam rising up from the volcano’s crater and discover that it’s a volcano that is expected to erupt again. What exactly is a volcano and why do they erupt?
Up Next in Earth To Luna
Lost in the Desert
Luna’s family is traveling in the desert. Noticing how often sand storms seem to change their surroundings, she starts to wonder… How do people find their way in the desert when the points of reference are always changing?
Hot or Cold?
Luna, Jupiter and Clyde are in the desert with their friend Gamali. When night falls, they are surprised by how quickly the temperature drops. Luna just has to know... Why does it get so hot during the day in the desert and so cold at night?
It's All Rosy
When Luna's family discovers Pink Lakes on a Caribbean Island full of pink flamingos, it gets them wondering... Why are flamingos pink? What's happening here?