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Don't Hold on to Anger

Dr. Wonder's Workshop (45 Videos) • 25m

Up Next in Dr. Wonder's Workshop (45 Videos)

  • Think of Others

    Lisa has been saving up money in the company budget to replace her office chair with a fancy new one. But Edwin shows her how the old accounting software is no longer dependable. Carlo's calls from the Finger Food Cafe with an emergency request for help with his broken freezer, but when Dr. Wonde...

  • Be Responsible

    Billy fixes lunch and makes a mess in the microwave and on the break room table, but doesn't clean it up. Dr. Wonder finds the mess and explains to Billy that this is not . It's very important to be responsible for his things. God has given him many things and he must be responsible and dependabl...

  • Your Choices Affect Others

    A different kind of show where Dr. Wonder uses his new invention – the Hologram Room – to show how our choices affect others. Then action resumes and we see the consequence to others of the decision that was made. Then time is reversed and the alternate decision is made and we see the consequenc...