#17 Love - Love Your Enemy
Wait, do we really HAVE to? How do we do THAT?!
#16 Love - Where Do You Belong?
It’s LOVE week on Daily Devo! We all belong somewhere… where do YOU belong? Also, it’s our most epic stunt YET! Watch fruit explode in slow motion, all competing to be “Messiest Fruit”!
#15 Prayer - How Should We Pray?
This week we’re talking about prayer! Cameron shares some helpful tricks to grow into ever-better prayer warriors.
#14 Prayer - The Lord's Prayer
Noel shares how we can be stronger prayer warriors highlighting the story of Moses.
#13 Prayer - Prayer Warriors
Does God answer every prayer? Cam will tell us the answer to this common question.
#12 Prayer - Will God Answer My Prayer
Noel shares how we can be stronger prayer warriors highlighting the story of Moses.
#11 Prayer - Struggles With Prayer
This week we’re talking about prayer! Cameron shares some helpful tricks to grow into ever-better prayer warriors.
#10 Trust - Daily Bread
Cameron uses the story of manna from heaven to show how God still loves to give US daily bread! (Turns out, our God is pretty trustworthy!)
#9 Trust - Story of Sarah
Sarah had a hard time trusting God… but the Lord shows he is worthy of our trust.
#8 Trust - Swim with Me!
Noel shares the story of learning to swim and how much trust it required! Also, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
#7 Trust - Trusting Through Plagues!
The Isrealites trusted God through 10 plagues… but how can we trust when we see “plagues” in our lives?
#6 Trust - Trusting God!
This week is all about TRUST! Will Samuel be able to trust God enough to wait for the right son of Jesse to become King of Isreal?
#5 Forgiveness - Jesus & The Accused Woman
Noel shares a story of forgiveness from her own life—and the new Testament!
#4 Forgiveness - Prodigal Son
Today we’re sharing one of Jesus most popular stories to highlight God’s radical forgiveness for us all.
#3 Forgiveness - Broken Lamp
Noel uses a broken lamp to illustrate the power of forgiveness.
#2 Forgiveness - Jacob & Esau
See how the story of Jacob & Esau is an excellent example of EPIC forgiveness!
#1 Forgiveness - Jonah
This week we’re exploring FORGIVENESS! See how God is way more forgiving than Jonah (and often us!)