#756 - CELEBRATION: A Very Big Celebration!
Today is the FINAL DAY of the Under Construction Series. We have learned a lot. Sometimes, it might have felt overwhelming! But today, we are going out with a bang! A BIG CELEBRATION! And Cam is just the guy to lead it. Put on your celebration shoes!
#755 - CELEBRATION: Noel's Thanksgiving Story
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! We hope you are having the most incredible day with friends and family if you are able. Today, Jenisys is our host as we retell Noel's incredible Thanksgiving Story! Come help us CELEBRATE the day!
#754 - CELEBRATION: Thanksgiving Rap
What day is it? WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! Today we have a very special song when we hear from the Daily Devo Show's very own Noel and her famous Thanksgiving Rap!
#753 - CELEBRATION: When Can We Celebrate?
Julia is back to continue taking us through Celebration Week! We also hear from Brittani who shares a story about a time when it wasn't easy to celebrate. How did she do it? Find out today.
#752 - CELEBRATION: Celebrating Celebration!
We have reached the FINAL week of our Under Construction Discipleship series! Today, Riley is here to kick off our final took: CELEBRATION! We all have a lot to celebrate! Let's learn about how!
#751 - GUIDANCE: Questions are Good!
We put an exclamation point on Guidance Week today as Jenisys reminds us all that God WANTS us to ask Him questions! Asking questions is how we learn more about Him. Also, Colleen + trampoline + pumpkins? It's going to get messy!
#750 - GUIDANCE: Guidance at Home
Today the Daily Devo Show hits the trail and travels to Riley's hometown for a special episode where we learn how she demonstrates receiving guidance around her community! Plus - Colleen might need a little guidance on how to catch that Pumpkin!
#749 - GUIDANCE: Born to Be Amazing
FUN FACT! Back in 2020, Cameron was the first ever host of Worship Wednesday! Why are we sharing this? Because he's back hosting WORSHIP WEDNESDAY again today! This week's song is "Born to Be Amazing" by Kingdomcity Kids! Let's sing!
#748 - GUIDANCE: Guidance from the Holy Spirit
Guidance week carries on! Today, Julia explores how people like you and me (and all of us) can actually get guidance...from the Holy Spirit! Plus, a second shot at locking down this week's memory verse.
#747 - GUIDANCE: The Blueprint for Guidance
Welcome back to another fantastic week here at Daily Devo HQ! Ready for a new tool? Brittani is here to kick off Guidance week! And she's got the blueprints to prove it! Plus, Colleen is out in the parking lot and it looks like she's going to do something WILD! Check it out!
#746 - EVANGELISM: Fake Mailbag: Evangelism Edition!
We bring Evangelism week to a close with everyone's favorite recurring segment: FAKE MAILBAG FRIDAY! Also, we are really wondering what Colleen is going to attempt today!
#745 - EVANGELISM: Evangelism Do's and Dont's
So all week have been learning about Evangelism. Now...how do we DO it. And also, what should we try NOT to do? Jenisys helps us break it ALL down!
#744 - EVANGELISM: God's Top Agent
Noel is here to guide us through another exciting WORSHIP WEDNESDAY. This week, we are thrilled to hear God's Top Agent by GMS Kids Live! Ready? Let's do this!
#743 - EVANGELISM: Exploring Evangelism
Today on the Daily Devo Show, we continue with Evangelism week as Brittani continues teaching us how to build that bridge! Plus, we give that tricky memory verse a second look!
#742 - EVANGELISM: Exploring Evangelism
Cam is here everybody! Annnnnd he's got a brand new tool for us - Evangelism! How can we build a bridge? Find out today. Plus: Colleen attempts to "build a bridge" of her own...with toothpicks???
#741 - WORSHIP: Worship Mailbag
We put a bow on Worship Week today as Michael comes by the work site! And he doesn't come alone: he's got a big mailbag full of fake letters to keep him company! And, can Colleen make it stick? Only one way to find out.
#740 - WORSHIP: Dancing As Worship?!?
It's Thursday, which is a pretty great day for our friend JULIA to host the Daily Devo Show! Today, we are hopping in the Throwback machine to learn about how King David worshipped! Plus, how close have you come to memorizing Psalm 100:2?
#739 - WORSHIP: Scripture Song: Ephesians 2:10
Jenisys graces the Daily Devo stage as we sing our way into WORSHIP WEDNESDAY! This week's song features our own CAMERON and it's called Ephesians 2:10. Lets jam with Cam!
#738 - WORSHIP: When To Worship?
Brittani is here everybody! And what excellent timing because day we are diving DEEPER into Worship Week! Plus, Day 2 of WILL IT STICK?!?
#737 - WORSHIP: Wonderful Worship
It...Is...WORSHIP WEEK! All this week we are going to be looking into and learning about the tool of Worship! So, who better to kick off this AWESOME new lesson than Noel! Plus a brand new stunt!
#736 - SERVICE: A Serving Mailbag!
Cameron pops by today to help us wrap up Service week with a big bag full of completely fake and made up questions! It's Mailbag Day!
#735 - SERVICE: The Good Samaritan
Service week continues on! Today, Noel introduces us to this week's Throwback episode: The Good Samaritan! Plus, Colleen encounters another mysterious thing in that box of mystery!
#734 - SERVICE: Sing God's Word
Michael is out host for Woooooooooorship Wednesday! This week, our song is Sing God's Word by Seeds Family Worship. Also, how is that memory verse going?
#733 - SERVICE: Serving at Home!
Today, we continue our week-long look at Service as we head to Jenisys' home to see how she serves all those around her. Let's go for a ride!